My Services

With a focus on design thinking and innovation, I work with businesses to solve problems in new ways. I have worked with businesses across Atlantic Canada, helping them develop new programs, product campaigns and conduct research, to better inform strategic directives. I value my relationships with clients and love seeing the businesses I work with succeed as they learn and grow.

I create training programs to fit the needs of your business, from one-on-one coaching sessions to multi-day training for staff. Whether you have one employee, or fifty, I can work with you to develop an interactive training program with impact and results. Specialty training areas include: design thinking and innovation, online marketing and social media, mental resilience in business, strategic direction for operations and processes, business start-up and growth.

Project Management
I have been involved with managing projects from conception to execution and evaluation for more than 20 years. I have worked on multi-level private- and government-funded projects. Having led one internationally-recognized project and several other award-winning projects, I love seeing your ideas achieve greatness. I can run your project for you or join your team on a short-term contract to initiate or drive the momentum of your next project.

Public Speaking
I am a professionally-trained writer and performer available to help at your next event or conference. With experience as an MC, keynote, panelist and moderator, I can help you figure out exactly what you need to keep your audience engaged and excited. Not sure what you are looking for? Let me help you figure out the best ways to attract and keep customers through messages that matter.